Get ready for the third installment of the Rock Pounder series! Diamonds Are Wild will be the perfect  read for the ​Fall of 2024! Rock is back with his band of misfits, trying to save Las Vegas from a terrorist attack. But something isn't quite adding up.

With a high profile kidnapping that doesn't quite make sense and his relationship with Penelope on the rocks,  Rock has to decide: Is this really a hot game or is the fast action a bluff?  Las Vegas hangs in the balance, as Rock and the guys work with the government agencies to figure out what is really going on. Someone on the inside seems to be working against them, and time is running out. Stay tuned as Rock and the gang take Las Vegas by storm!

Viveca Smith Publishing


Upcoming Projects


​​Diamonds Are Wild
 Dave Harrold 


An Anthology of

​Ancient Greek Literature:

Love, War, Life

Translated by

​Viveca Smith

Including readings from Homer, Ibycus, Sappho, Sophocles, Plato, and Babrius (writings based on Aesop's Fables)



Greek Lyric Poet, 6th Century BCE


Early in spring the Cydonian 

Quinces are watered by streams flowing

Out of the rivers, where virgins have

Gardens untouched, and the first shoots of new vines

Grow strong in the shade of the flourishing vine leaves.

But for me, desire

Never rests, not even for a season,

Blazing with lightning that fires

The Thracian North Wind as it storms

Along Cypris, blowing with a scorching madness

In darkness, without fear he strikes.

From my earliest memories, Eros,

The master of my will.